I feel very blessed to say that I haven't experienced what the majority of the world has in the last 2 years and I will share why :) In December 2019 I made life change choice which was scary leaving me face one of my biggest fears. After taking that direction it took me to some magical experiences not only outside but inside of me too. In a sense I said goodbye to part of me who was afraid.
I made a choice not to try and manipulate matter (externally) anymore, I decided to work from the inside. I do not believe that you have to work hard and sacrifice yourself this lifetime. No more. I chose and still choosing to live smart rather than hard and so far it is working in ways I never expected it would be.
We forgetting that we are energy, everything around us is energy too and energy can be manipulated. we operate in frequency and that frequency is presenting the reality you are experiencing. Like a TV and channels. We change channels depending what we want to watch, only in real life we do it without being aware of it so much. Our thoughts and beliefs manifest if we are aware it of not. Once I understood the concept of me being able to create my own life my own reality I took it into my hands and was like fuck yeah. I actually can change my life, the aha moment you know?. Now I am going back to like 2015 so It has been while of learning and exploring this possibility.
Let me tell you a example of what this can look like, a woman is walking down the street and she then comes to a cross road. In the past this lady had her purse stolen, since then she still holds onto a fear of having her purse stolen again so she is being extra careful because of that. She keeps telling that story over and over. This is now in her subconscious mind, now at the cross road she has too choices to go left or to go right, subconsciously she feels fearful, she decides to go left. At that time she if operating at that particular frequency, she sees a suspicious looking person, that person turns out to be a thief, what happens next is that they stole her purse. In simple terms, our brain works like a filter and whatever you give attention the brain/mind will do anything to get to it.
Lockdowns did not really exist for me, In other words, did not affect me in anyway. I still was out in nature, I was working, it was very flexible, I was still connected with people in fact more than I ever been, I went to conscious festivals, travelled, flew by planes with no issues many times no prof of anything was needed. Nothing what was shown in the news! I saw my family, I lived in community of like minded people and spend Xmas with those likeminded amazing people too which I cherish very much. It was actually really good years for me. Bare in mind I was still being mindful and I absolutely respect people's choices. The only thing I did was a choice not to live in fear. Deep down I had feeling I don't need to worry and I trusted it. I chose to do what was felt alive in me at the time. I chose to change the channel on that TV and to align with frequency that lead me to experience what I wanted to experience. What I believe is that no one is here to tell you what is good for your health! Only you know what is good for you, you do not need permission to live your life certain way, it is individual choice, always. Because of the choices and beliefs, things turned out to be different.
Look around and become aware how much fearful things we are being exposed to each and every day.
It takes one self to make conscious choice, to step out of it and direct energy elsewhere. Perception is everything. Listening from within. Choose love over fear. To trust.
Perhaps next time you get on cross road, rather than going the same way you always do remember you can turn different way and see what happens. You have a choice :)
Much Love
Lilu xx