Are you waiting for the right time? Keep on reading.
I am not sure you going to like what I am about to say to you but there will never be a right time to start to do things. Life always gets in our way. There are constantly things happening and by the time we take action might be too late because we have waited for the right time that never came.
Imagine you are sitting in couch by the time you are 70-80 years old thinking to yourself how fast life has gone by and you didn't do the things you wanted to because you kept procrastinating and did not take the action. Think about the regrets you would have by that age.
I waited so many times and really it just kept posposing, after a while I said to myself ,,Will there ever be right time to do things?'' I don't think there will.
I gave up waiting because I knew it wasn't getting me anywhere. That's why I looked into ways to motivate myself when I wasn't ready and one of those was using the SIMPLE RULE from Mell Robbins. 5-4-3-2-1-GO
You can read more about it in my previous article. Otherwise I realised that there never be a right time to do things and I learned to Accept it. That really helped me because I stopped waiting, and made new agreement with myself from that point forward.
Change will happen once we start observing life from different perspective, not the one we are using until this point. Being more open minded and willing to learn. Expand ourselves with more knowledge (self education).
Love and blessings
Domi xx