The answer is yes we certainly can.
I was living in certain way for years and years throughout my life and I did think that it was the way to be living. Deep down I always wanted to better myself and because the way I grew up I wanted to make sure I would live better life. I am not upset anymore about the fact that my childhood was the way it was because I believe everything happens for a reason. If I didn't go through the experience I would never be the person I am today and I would probably never start to work on myself or do what I do. I use to blame the outside world and my environment but now I am not. I am not even blaming my parents because they only did what they could and what they knew. I have much more empathy and understanding now.
Remember that every decision we make on day to day basis is moving us in certain direction.
Past is not very important right now but think of a time you made decision of some kind and how your life would be if you didn't. This is just a example to make you more aware of this.
We are habitual beings, we create certain habits and this also includes habitual way of thinking. We develop certain neurological pathways within our brain. Most of the time we make decisions based on past experiences, and what we have learned and what we are comfortable with. We want to survive so we do everything we can to keep us save. It may be difficult to step out of the comfort to the unknown but outside of our comfort zone is where we grow and become stronger. We then also create new neurological pathways within the brain.
Just think of a time you were about to do something and your mind talked you out of it. For example, let say you would like to go to the gym, you really would like to make some positive changes, you sitting on the sofa pretty comfy. after few moments you began to think. Things like (is rainy outside, there will be traffic to even get to the gym etc.)
We always have a choice to make and if you would like to change your reality you will need to allow yourself to change, heal the past and move on to make your life more meaningful and joyful.
Every decision we make at any point leads us to certain outcome and direction. Below you can get the idea how it works.

Where can I start to change my life/reality?
Best way is to become aware of your current reality, your thought pattern and your life on day to day basis. Habits, Thoughts, actions.
As you see on the picture above It all starts with a thought.
When we have a thought it will then create feeling within your body and the feeling will lead to behaviour, and based on your behaviour you will take action.
The reason I am asking you to become aware is because more likely until this point you haven't paid much attention to your thoughts. According to a research we have around 70 000 thoughts per day. Now that's a lot. We can also look at it as unsupervised child, because we didn't pay it any attention.
Once we become aware of those we can learn to work with those thoughts and relearn new ways that will benefit us long term.
One of my mentors Mel Robbins discovered a way that can be very very useful. I applied it many time s in my life and I still do. It is so simple that's unbelievable really. Most importantly IT WORKS. Based on this SIMPLE TRICK I have had the courage to to do things I would probably never ever do. It is called 5 SECOND RULE
Once we make any decision we have few seconds before our mind talk us out of it. Next time you would like to do something just count down 5-4-3-2-1 and move towards the action physically or mentally.
Here is a bit from her book
For now, what you need to know is this the #5SecondRule and its countdown trick,5- 4- 3- 2- 1- GO, will become your new behaviour pattern. Instead of holding back, you’ll 5- 4- 3- 2- 1 to push forward. The countdown is also what researchers call a “starting ritual.” Starting rituals interrupt your bad default patterns and trigger new, positive patterns.
If you master the Rule you will reprogram your mind. You will teach yourself new behaviour patterns. Instead of defaulting to worry, hesitation, and fear, you will find yourself automatically acting with courage. Over time, as you take more and more steps forward, you’ll discover something else—real confidence and pride in yourself. The authentic kind that comes when you honour your goals and accomplish small wins that are important to you.
Master your mind and everything is possible